Liver Lip Sores Could I Have The Swine Flu?
Could I have the swine flu? - liver lip sores
my gf recently been ill. she has a headache, runny nose and sore throat. She said she would not be good today. She said she had a
Sore throat
And the DP said it was outside having hot flashes
thats the thing, I know I have something wrong. - He kissed me on the lips today! 0,0 is that it is wrong, please help me.
I just started with a runny nose and my throat is dry, Gatorade in drinking water. and instant messaging on the computer in bed. I am very worried if I have the pig flu.
My dad does not let me take Tylenol, because it messes up the liver if taken in excess.
I'm worried. IN I wonder if pigs. I know that no one can say before I go to the doc,COS will be tested. the concern. dosent my pain body or head. dosent hurts my head, my nose, suffocating like his way. But I had last night. idk what to do, lol. if it's just a cold or flu or swine flu. How can I ???!?!
Do I have the swine flu?
Dry throat, no pain, only dry
Headaches that hardly a headache, just a little
can fever? Help please? Thanks
Fever over 100.4 ° F
Sore throat
It is something that really bothers me. People who need medical care go on Yahoo Answers, instead of asking a real doctor. If you really go, please, go to a doctor. Then give better answers "sundaysleeper82" or someone.
heyy I'm not sure if the pig had the flu, I am not a doctor or anything, but look at this link to a website swine flu and all the syptoms and it is likely to be infected.
We hope that this helpss and healthy:)
I can not believe that your friend is sick and all are worried about is typical .. Do not be silly not to the swine flu that has already done so, have to be of concern.
Only if you say please, even with a cherry on top.
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